Act 11 Voodoo Child 12
Fighting, fighting and some fighting.
The announcement informing fighters that the last train to the "Infernal Dome" is heard again. As the four of them run
to the station Ban shouts at Akabane about where they are meeting this last member of their team. Akabane says he doesn't
know. Ban has a hissy fit so Ginji tells them both this isn't the time to fight. Himiko agrees. Ban gets on the defensive;
"I know that!" he shouts. But it seems lots of other people are trying to get to the train too, so they fight their way through.
It seems this is the priliminary round. Anyway, someone attacks Ginji, Ban does his usual "Ginji!" squeel but it seems Ginji's
fine because he electrocutes his would-be murderer telling him that knives are dangerous as he does so. Akabane comments that
they easily got through those fights, and the fighting continues. Ban says to Himiko that the prize must really be something
for all these people to want it so badly. Himiko tells him what Akabane told her about the "Queen's favour" being the
prize. With this favour, the winner may go to Mugenjou's upper floors and become a resident of Babylon City. Ginji's a bit
horrified that people would be willing to risk their lives for such a thing. But Himiko then goes on about how she's not doing
it for that (though the thought of Himiko married to her(other)self is quite amusing), she wants to carve out her own destiny.
To do this, she thinks, she must meet the other her. So the team arrives at the train station entrance. Himiko runs forward
against Ban's warnings not to be impatient and is swiftly attacked. Ban goes to help, but Himiko tells him to stay away. She
must do it herself (cue scarey Akabane grin followed by a few creepy words about how she must work towards her wishes) and
so she quickly despatches her opponant. Ginji is suprised. Ban looks concerned. Himiko looks a bit insane as she says "I'm
alright, from now on i'm going to get stronger..." Akabane is pleased and tells Himiko well done and tells her that gradually
she will be able to use more and more of the power of the Voodoo Child. But Ban is thinking about the time with Yamato. He
wonders if Himiko will become a master of black magic. And in that case, he thinks, "I will...Himiko..." (kill perhaps?) At
the same time as he is thinking about this he is being attacked from behind, but without moving he summons Asclepius and sends
his would-be attackers flying. Ginji and Himiko are very suprised by this show of power, but Akabane in full grinning mode
says; "That was wonderful, Midou-kun. Such flaming intensity and such ice-cold cruelty. You are certainly fit to be an emperor."
Well, if Akabane is trying to bait Ban it's working because with a very angry face Ban gives Akabane a warning "Akabane..."
But it seems Akabane is having too much fun as he goes on; "You really are the Emperor of Destruction. And certainly, your
father would also be delighted." Ban is shocked, then incensed he attacks Akabane. It's only Ginji who stops him. Ban
demands Akabane tell him why he got them involved in this job. I don't understand Akabane's response because I have no idea
what the katakana word "tanan" could possibly mean. I don't feel too bad because Himiko says; "Tanan...what's that?" Ban's
thinking about the past again, to that conversation we often see him having with his grandmother. His grandmother is talking
about how love and hate have the same face (I suppose in the context of the Voodoo curse this can be taken literally as well
as analogically- wow, havn't used that word since University). And oh yes there is a huge, beautiful picture of Ban and Akabane
looking at each other and it's clear there is only a matter of time before those two fight it out. In any case, the team are
at the entrance to the train station as another warning announcement is heard over the loud speakers. Competitors now
have only 3 minutes until the train leaves for the Infernal Dome. It also says there are a limited number of places on
the train. Ban asks Akabane why he's taking part in this job. With his usual sadism, Akabane answers; "It seems like
fun." Another person then speaks, saying it is not good for them to be arguing. Akabane (in super-polite speech) apologises.
Ban and Gini are back to looking surprised; "What? The last of the 5 team members..." Ban says. And we see that it's Maria,
who apologises for her lateness then says they should hurry and go catch that last train. The end blurb I quite liked; "On
a mountain of corpses the fifth fighter of the GetBackers team stands... the Black-haired Witch, Maria Noches!!"