The Best and Worst of 365 Days in the Asylum
Highlights and Lowlights from my first year in Japan on the JET programme 10 Happy Highs in Hell
- Getting TOSSED off Should I really think this is quite so amusing?
- Discovering GetBackers. Any hope of a normal life were destroyed forever after that.
- Haru Comic City. My first Doujinshi market.
- Hanami! Pretty petals and a whole lot of wine. And sake. And beer…
- Halloween Party at my place. Small and drunken. Face paint anyone?
- Yanaizu fireworks. Simply stunning.
- The re-contracting conference, Tokyo. The lectures were shit but meeting other doujin maniacs and going to Alcatraz was
certainly entertaining.
- Kitakata 80’s party. I think it was a highlight anyway.
- Finding the shrine of Musashi at Hijemi Castle.
- Sock-puppet karaoke video in Kyoto. I can not describe how disturbing this was.
Pain and Suffering are daily events
- Iwaki Beach party hangover.
A year on and I still can’t drink vodka…
Tokyo hangover.
Oh the pain…
“Let’s Dancing vol.2” hangover. Beer then wine makes you feel fine…
Changing supervisors. My beloved is gone forever. I still weep.
When they took the computers away.
The day I left the third umbrella in as many days on the bus. Extreme irritation.
The Police. a.k.a “Gaijin Harassment Squad”.
Enkais. They suck.
Kyushakkou. A daily dose of torture.
Winter. Lethal fumes, blizzards and getting trapped in Takada.