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Act 11 Voodoo Child 20

Towards the end it all gets very information dump like so have your thinking caps on, people. Also, a little Mugenjou arc revision wouldn’t go amiss for this chapter.

As such, this chapter was a bit difficult in places to read so I apologise in advance if I’ve misunderstood anything.

We begin with a repeat of der Kaiser’s thoughts about Paul. That it has finally begun, that the third GetBackers have arrived at their end. “It is too bad that it will not go as you think, Paul,” he says. Then restates his wonderment that Paul passed on the “last vestiges of us two” to them…
Now to Mugenjou where there seem to be alarms going off. Emishi shouts to Makubex that Raitei is being reckless and Makubex calls Sakura and tells her to send him data on Ginji’s power output. He then tells Emishi to launch the “living network programme”, and to prepare to hack into Mugenjou’s “Master System”, but there is a problem. “So it’s true…it won’t run,” Makubex thinks. Back to Ban in his cell. He is considering how/why Ginji is becoming Raitei all of a sudden. He wonders if the Underworld has a “system” (like the Mugenjou one) which Ginji is getting mixed up with.
So we return to the subject in question who is currently going very Raitei. Juubei asks Kazuki what is going on. Kazuki tells him it is Raitei emerging, of course. But Juubei is surprised. “In this Underworld!?” he says. Kazuki replies he is sure it is Raitei. “If that’s the case then the fight is over.” Juubei says. “Why?” Saizou asks. “Raitei is invincible!” Juubei answers. But Saizou disagrees. He comments that Raitei is only invincible in Mugenjou’s Lower Town and he has never stepped foot in the Beltline so there is no guarantee Raitei will win.
Ginji/Raitei for his part is still going on at der Henker for killing his compatriot. Der Henker, however, has the best comeback ever. “In the past you did the same,” he says. “What?!” replies an even more enraged Ginji. “I remember it. In that body you used the lightening at that time to…” der Henker goes on. “I didn’t kill…my friend…I didn’t kill…my precious friend…” And we see young Ginji/Raitei holding that girl and there is a being in a cloak below him, looking up at him, who I assume to be der Henker at that time. “You…at that time…” Ginji says in realisation. “You wanted to forget it, didn’t you, boy…” der Henker says, and with that Ginji gets REALLY mad. The commentator announces at that point, “What is this?! The Infernal Dome has become enfolded in a mysterious light!!” He reminds us that the score is 2 wins each and that the deciding fighters will be “the angry Raitei of the GetBackers team” and “der Henker whose nickname is ‘the Executioner’.” They fight a bit, then Ginji/Raitei says “Let’s end this” and lets out an almighty burst of power which appears to rip some parts of der Henker off. The commentator announces that der Henker was caught by Raitei’s powerful plasma burst, but Saizou thinks this is not the end and when the haze clear we see der Henker seemingly unfazed by Ginji/Raitei’s last attack. “Could this be a nightmare?! Could he be immortal?!” cries the annoying announcer, “Der Henker took the attack as if it was nothing. Raitei Amano Ginji’s violent attack did not hurt him at all!” Amongst the observers, Toshiki can’t believe that such a powerful attack did nothing. He wonders that Raitei’s level is above their own. Kazuki adds also that Ban, Akabane and Himiko defeated their opponents easily, so he asks why Ginji/Raitei’s was attack was so ineffective. Saizou explains that der Henker does not have soul and therefore does not “exist” and because he does not “exist” he does not feel anything. He goes on to ask if Juubei gets it now. Juubei argues that surely Raitei is still strong, but Saizou says that no matter how fierce he is he still feels. Juubei wonders why Saizou is arguing this.
Back in Mugenjou and Emishi and Makubex continue to work on the crisis going on there. “Reserve back-up system operational! Dual system shut down. All green!” Emishi says, tapping away at a computer, “The information from Sakura-han’s radio waves shows a 28.8 K b/s output.” (That was fun to translate. Anyone know what it means?) In any case, it seems this is bad. We see that they have an image of the continuing fight between der Henker and Ginji/Raitei on one of the computers. “There is only one way to unravel the mystery that is the Raitei emerging from Ginji-san,” says Makubex, “When Ginji-san becomes Raitei he draws vast amounts of power from the network which constructs Mugenjou.” Emishi, unlike me, seems to get it and comments how in that case the large amounts of power are a sign of this occurrence. Makubex further explains that the (electrical) power of Raitei and Mugenjou are connected. In using this flow of power all of the networks should be linked together. Makubex taps away on his computer and considers the mystery that is Raitei, then suddenly there is another alarm sound and numbers appear on MakubeX’s screen. It seems he was blocked from doing whatever it was he was trying to do. Then the numbers appear on the big screen. He calls it the “Babylon Clock”, which he explains he created at the time he tried to rewrite the histories (pre)-recorded in those infamous archives. It is a representation of the time until Mugenjou changes. Or something. Am a little confused. Anyway, the clock starts ticking down and Makubex says, “this is bad…it seems that turning Ginji into Raitei is some plot!!” He thinks this is part of some “cunning plan” to manipulate and change the “history” as it is written in the archives. “In that Infernal Dome there is some contrivance for doing it…”Makubex realises, “Who is it?” And we see a very large picture of Ban’s dad, der Kaiser, who I now notice (after wenlet’s comment) has one eye like Masaki’s, and the other like Ban’s. And so we now see a conversation between Kagami and der Kaiser. “Dear me. You really are an awful man,” Kagami says, “For the sake of [fulfilling] your plan to manipulate the planned history of Mugenjou you are even regardless of your own child’s life.” Not sure what der Kaiser replies but it has something to do with sharing the same blood as his son. Kagami goes on that Raitei is also to be his “pure sacrificial lamb”. Der Kaiser replies that as Raitei emerges more and more Ginji, together with Ban, go towards their destiny and have been doing so since the time they were given the name GetBackers. He goes on that Kagami and the other residents of Babylon City will not be his enemies because he will remake the history of Mugenjou using the archives, and it is for the sake of this, as a sacrifice, that those called the GetBackers exist.
“Der Kaiser plots to ensnare Ginji who becomes Raitei.
What is the plan concerning the death of his son!?”

Some thoughts on what that was all about:
Makubex, Raitei and Mugenjou. It is clear that Raitei’s emergence is causing problems in the systems which maintain some of the residents of Mugenjou’s very existence. I think Makubex may have been trying to somehow understand how Mugenjou and Raitei were connected in order to cut off Raitei’s “power supply”.

Ginji/Raitei's fight with der Henker. I have also been wondering, as Juubei was, why Ginji/Raitei didn't seem to make a dent in der Henker. Considering Saizou's opinion that der Kaiser cares for nothing because he does not exist and Ginji/Raitei is not winning because he still feels for him, I wonder if to defeat those of the Beltline you must consider them to not be real, to not exist and therefore to not care what happens to them.

Der Kaiser and the Archives. He is clearly trying to somehow use Raitei’s influence over Mugenjou’s systems to alter it, I suppose for his own purposes though we don’t as yet know for what purpose or to what end.

Der Kaiser and the GetBackers. The way der Kaiser refers to the GetBackers is interesting. I don’t think he is specifying the GetBackers that is Ban and Ginji, but rather that whoever was the GetBackers would have this fate. From this it seems Ginji/Raitei was destined to be one of the GetBackers, but Ban was unexpected.


All contents and pictures belong to Kwok Ting Ting. No thieving.