Shiny Akabeko

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Act 10 Voodoo Child 8

We start as we finished, with Yamato lamenting his and Himiko's cruel fate then the other Yamato arriving at the door.
Then reads the title: "On the birthday of a Voodoo Child a mirror-image appears!!"

"Another Yamato?" Ban says in surprise.  The Evil Yamato replies by attacking Ban using the Acceleration Perfume.  Normal Yamato shouts for Ban to dodge, but Evil Yamato whips out the Flame Perfume and poor little Ban is down...

"Who is this bastard?" Ban says as he lies on the floor. "I'm Yamato," replies Evil Yamato and then goes on about how because normal Yamato loves his sister Himiko and "loves Midou Ban no less", he hates them.  "Finally upon this his 28th birthday we meet.  The curse of the Voodoo Child is fulfilled.  The mirror of Kudou Yamato awakens," he says.  Ban doesn't buy it.  "That's a trick! Yamato is here..." he cries. "He is also Yamato..." Evil Yamato says, squishing little Ban under-foot.  More explanations of the Voodoo curse follow.  Evil Yamato tells us how when the "Voodoo Warrior" awakens (I take it this is Evil Yamato), he kills everything his mirror image loves (of course, because he will hate all that the other loves).  Ban gets angry and attacks Evil Yamato with his Snake Bite then goes on about how he thinks this other Yamato is talking a load of crap and he'll protect Yamato.  Evil Yamato tells Ban he'll die in this room, Ban replies he'll skin him alive. Then says, "Yamato...Kill me and Himiko?  I'm their friend and that won't happen.  I know Yamato isn't such a bastard.  I don't know anything about what you're saying!"  Then attacks Evil Yamato (who is very sick and says, "By the Red Death Fragrance, you'll die covered in blood from head to toe").  But Ban summons Asclepius.  Normal Yamato tells Ban to kill Evil Yamato, and Ban does just that, shoving his arm a-la X/1999 through Evil Yamato's chest!  But the "mirror" shatters and Ban finds himself with his arm through his beloved Yamato.  Ban looks a bit shocked.  Yamato tells him it's alright, that there's no mistake.  Evil Yamato is gone and all Ban needs do now is protect Himiko.  Now I thought Ban was bright, but he only just gets that the Evil Yamato was the mirror-image of Yamato.  The same and his opposite. 
And now for Yamato's final words.  He tells Ban such a thing will also happen to Himiko.  Such is their fate.  He tells Ban to be careful and when Himiko's 17th birthday comes around, he has one last request of Ban, to take back Himiko's life.  Yamato dies and Ban cries and screams Yamato's name... This brings us back to the present day where Ban tells Ginji that Himiko then returned with a birthday cake for Yamato and it was then that Ban ran away, Himiko believing he had murdered Yamato.  Here's where I wish I'd read this from the beginning as Ginji says, "So then what's Akabane-san after?  And is that a request for us to get back the mirror of Himiko-chan?" Ban replies, "Who knows... What that bastard's intentions are I don't know yet, but Ginji, I... That time, with this hand I saved Himiko and with this hand I will get back Himiko's destiny."  Ginji smiles cheesily and says "I knew I was right to believe in Ban-chan!" then tells Ban of course he'll go with him. "Let's go, Ban-chan! The GetBackers will get back the mirror of Himiko-chan!!" And so ends another tragic chapter.


All contents and pictures belong to Kwok Ting Ting. No thieving.